When a trade takes place, it can happen in a flash or take several seconds depending on market conditions. Here, we break down the trading of 1 contract into its various stages so that traders can react appropriately.
1. Order placed - your intentions are made known to the market, waiting for someone to transact with you
2. Order filled - another trader has transacted with you, thus you are in the market and it is now possible to make or lose money
3. Bracket orders placed - your two bracket orders (Profit and stop loss) are made known to the market and waiting for someone to transact with either one
4. Bracket order filled - Either the profit or stop loss order has transacted with another trader, thus the other one is cancelled and you will have exited the market
Important notes:
- Transition from step 1 to step 2 may take several seconds in during slow market conditions, do not panic.
- Steps 2 and 3 will happen simultaneously
For Zaner360
- If you are in step 1 and wish to stop trading, you need to "Cancel All"
- if you are in step 2/3 and wish to stop trading, you need to "Exit at market and cancel", this can lead to a gain/loss
For InfinityAT
- if you are in step 2/3 and wish to stop trading, you need to "Cancel All" and "Flatten", this can lead to a gain/loss
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