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How do I configure my drawings quickly?

Solution To configure drawings quickly, you can use the built-in template system. Please try the following:

Setting up your templates first

1. Create a drawing (double click)
2. Edit the drawing (double click again on the drawing)
3. Select tab #3 and set color to Red and direction to Down, then click Save
4. Select tab #4 and set color to Green and direction to Up, then click Save
5. Close the dialog and delete the drawing

Now to apply the templates:

6. Create a NEW drawing (double click)
7. Edit the drawing (double click again on the drawing)
8. Select tab #3 or #4 and click OK. (This applies the selected template to the drawing)
9. Your drawing should now have changed to Red/Down or Green/Up.
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Article ID: 34
Category: How do I...
Date added: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 03:16:06 +0000
Views: 1126
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (45)

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